Solid Critter Tips: A Pest Control Guide


There are not too many people who appreciate pests sharing their living space. Be it bugs, rodents or something larger, they need to be gone today! The only way you can do this is to look at what other people have done that has helped them take care of things.

Do you have an issue where fruit flies keep appearing? You might have a drain issue. To test this you just need to cover your drains with something that is transparent and watch for fruit flies. If you end up seeing them you should clean your drain as well as you possibly can. That should help you avoid breeding fruit flies.

You can kill stinging insects around your home with hairspray. Hairspray is composed of chemicals that are very effective insect killers. Also, the smell of the chemicals will repel insects, as well.

When dealing with a pest problem, check your local ordinances to learn what chemicals you can use. Spraying down a locally banned chemical can backfire if you try and sell your home later. Though this does not happen often, it does indicate a need to do your research.

Use an outside perimeter spray to prevent indoor insects. Make sure to spray the foundation along with areas around windows and doors. Always look for cracks around the perimeter of the house. Use a filler such as caulk to seal the area.

A trained dog is a great termite-finding tool. Humans can only check about a 30% of your home’s surface area for termite infestations. A dog that is properly trained can sniff out 100 percent of your property. They smell for methane gas, which is a byproduct of the wood the termites are eating.

Is your home overrun with ants? Get rid of them by using a mixture of sugar and borax. The ants will be attracted to the sweet scent from the sugar, and they will be killed by the borax. Just make a half-and-half mixture of sugar and borax in a one-quart jar. Sprinkle the mixture around your home.

Plant bushes several feet from your home’s exterior. Brush is a natural home to many insects and there is no way to prevent this. The bugs can make their way inside if the brush is too close.

Your water system needs to be free of leaks. Pests are attracted to a water source. In fact, most pests can even sense water from far away. Prevent this from attracting pests. Do some work to prevent having to live with rodents or bugs inside your house.

While fleas are difficult creatures, some things do work to eliminate them and their eggs. The first thing you should do is vacuum thoroughly every day. Secondly, you must spray with a good flea spray. When you have finished vacuuming, put your vacuum cleaner bag inside a plastic bag, seal it and put it in the hot sun. After it’s been in the sun for a day, throw it away.

Just use the above advice to permanently eliminate the issue. Give them all a shot and stick with the ones that work. You’ll be thankful for your efforts when you live in a pest free environment.